Tuesday 15 April 2008

Times 14th April 2008 - One Ailment at a Time

Some parts of the UK have a less than satisfactory arrangement with their local healthcare provider, resulting in long, long expensive journeys to alternative GP practices or walk in clinics miles away, some not able to have house visits even for emergencies, so there must be some flexibility to take in some cases more than one ailment at a time, however it is a terrible shame that neither the DoH or other regulatory bodies move to put these situations on fairer footings which would enable well performing, smooth running GP surgeries to get on with their own work load, rather than mopping up patients from other areas, and would surely stem some of the vital money draining out .Patients and GP's want the best service, nobody want to complain, especially as complaining about the NHS is so dangerous for patients and medics alike.

mary foord-brown, suffolk coastal,


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